Security management knowledge

About SMK
The company is organized as a management structure to solve complex tasks in design, equipment supply and installation of engineering systems. We specialize in security systems, communication networks and power supply, automation and dispatching of engineering systems.
We have completed more than 1000 projects of various levels of complexity, our employees are specialists and have extensive experience in solving even the most complex and non-standard tasks.
Our work is based on the obligatory observance of technologies, standards, norms and rules. In the course of the project implementation, the design of the necessary documentation is monitored, the quality, volume and deadline of the installation works, the observance of the process technologies and their sequence, and also the compliance of the work according to the project documentation are monitored.
The success of our Customer is the success of our Company, and each of our employees.
Our clients

Completed projects

Dmitrogorsky Meat Processing Plant
Tver region, s. Dmitrov mountain. Cooperation since 2013.
- Creating an automatic installation of a fire alarm system and warning systems and evacuation management of administrative and domestic and industrial buildings
- Creating a unified security television system for 300+ IP-cameras Hikvision
- Creating a structured cabling network for 800+ ports
- Maintenance of the automatic installation of a fire alarm system and warning systems and evacuation management

Dmitrogorsky dairy plant
Tver region, s. Dmitrov mountain.
- Creating an automatic installation of a fire alarm system and warning systems and evacuation management of administrative and domestic and industrial buildings
- Creating a unified security television system for 100+ IP-cameras Hikvision
- Creating a structured cabling network for 400+ ports

Moscow State Linguistic University
Educational institution. Moscow.
- Creation of a monitoring system and access control of the central entrance of the main academic building on the basis of the equipment of ZAO NVP “Bolid”
- Creation of a pass office
- Organization of registration permits

PJSC "PIK Group"
Multisectional residential building at the address: K8 Akademika Landau Boulevard. Moscow
- Creation of an automatic installation of fire alarm and evacuation warning and warning systems on the equipment of ZAO NVP “Bolid” (3000+ fire detectors)
- Automation of engineering systems

Kursk Meat Processing Plant
Kursk region, the village of Linets
- Creation of access control systems in the administrative and production and production buildings at 80+ access points based on Forsec equipment
- Creating a security alarm system based on the equipment of ZAO NVP “Bolid”
- Integration of Access Control and Warning Systems

"Retail Park"
Shopping complex. Moscow.
- Disassembly-installation (with the modernization of cable lines) control equipment of fire safety systems of the shopping complex
- Disassembly-installation (with modernization of cable lines) of control equipment of security systems (COT, ACS, OS)
- Restoration and modernization of the security alarm system of the complex

Luzhki Club
Holiday House. Moscow region
- Maintenance of gas, powder and water fire extinguishing installations
- Creating a gas extinguishing system in the server room

Capital Group
Moscow, Residential house "Kutuzovsky, 12"
The company "SMK" is a contractor of the company SVARGO group (general contractor) for the design and installation of engineering systems in the New Club House on Kutuzovsky:
- Power supply
- Installation of low-voltage systems: Automatic installation of fire alarm, Warning systems and evacuation management, CCTV systems, Access Control Systems.
- Automation of engineering systems

Restaurant «La Colline»
Moscow region.
- Plant Maintenance Automatic installation of fire alarm, Warning systems and evacuation management, CCTV systems, Access Control Systems.
- Modernization of systems on request